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This blog is a combination of my deepest thoughts, musings and inspiration. Everything from navigating grief to sacred rituals, energy work and self-awareness. Pick a post each week and carry the theme with you to reflect on and cultivate meaning in your daily life.
From my soul to yours.
truly, lauren

Lauren Tatro
11 min read
Just Rosy
Managing the space between your perfect vision and reality = identifying attachments. This topic falls right in line with instagram vs....

Lauren Tatro
4 min read
Trust Me.
Messages from you, to you. I've recently started to feel incredibly out of balance. And, I must say it sometimes just builds up bit by...

Lauren Tatro
3 min read
The Slump.
That annoying feeling of helplessness, not-good-enoughness and endless mental spiraling. I don't know about you, but sometimes I am my...

Lauren Tatro
6 min read
Me, First.
How to manage that sneaky little thing called guilt. Recently, in several conversations - a common theme has been emerging. How to...

Lauren Tatro
7 min read
So You Wanna Manifest?
Cut through the noise to get to the essence of what you want. Manifestation is 'trending' and many connotations of the word take on...

Lauren Tatro
6 min read
Mother May I?
Identifying approval seeking behaviors in order to live with purpose. It's not surprising that many people walk around looking for...

Lauren Tatro
3 min read
Ritual vs. Routine
Living intentionally and with gratitude, to radically transform your daily life. We get up, we grab the coffee, we take a minute to...

Lauren Tatro
5 min read
Values in Action
Translating your core beliefs into core values, in order to evaluate the intention vs. the impact of your daily actions. Image of painted...

Lauren Tatro
6 min read
Core Beliefs
Simple steps for evaluating, defining and adjusting your relationship with self. When was the last time you really took inventory or...

Lauren Tatro
4 min read
Cosmic Equity
Measuring your personal return on energy. There are many areas in our life where it is very easy to determine the consequence of our...

Lauren Tatro
3 min read
Rest, Don't Quit
The past two weeks have felt like a total derailment of progress for me. Simply put, I am overcommitted. Over time, slowly adding more...

Lauren Tatro
2 min read
The Dragons
By ignoring them, you are feeding them. A typical night in the Tatro house. The kids are finally asleep, the kitchen is clean (thank you...

Lauren Tatro
4 min read
Accepting our shadow energy, with gratitude for its teachings. This week, I reflected deeply on a relationship that was once very near...

Lauren Tatro
7 min read
Creating Space
A tried and true approach: Letting go, in order to receive. You know the feeling. You've been cooped up in the house for too long, the...

Lauren Tatro
10 min read
Might Makes Right
Or does it? There was a time in my life when I thought I would never get it right (love that is). As I sit here today, deeply connected...

Lauren Tatro
4 min read
Us VS. Them
Waking up from the spell that the world is conspiring against you. How fitting for Super Bowl Sunday. I've never been into watching...

Lauren Tatro
3 min read
Circling the Drain
As I sit and write this post, I am utterly exhausted. In all the right ways, physically and mentally. I know. That seems contradictory...

Lauren Tatro
6 min read
Temperance Center
Breaking the chains born of feast or famine mindset. Temperance, to be a virtue must be of freewill, and not forced. tem·per·ance...

Lauren Tatro
4 min read
Sorry, Not Sorry.
Living unapologetically in pursuit of happiness. I remember a time in my life when I carried around guilt like a piece of luggage. It was...

Lauren Tatro
9 min read
Unlocking Greatness
Practical tips for self-mastery. So, it goes something like this. “I will never be able to do that, what will other people think of me? I...
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